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DIY Couture // Natural Gold Halo Hairpiece

For all those Natural theme lovers out there, this DIY is for you. If you're like me, you've been drooling over all the insanely gorgeous organically designed headpieces out there right now that fit perfectly with this theme. Bride or not, these are just plain fun to wear.

It seems the second anyone puts one of these on, it doesn't matter what else she's wearing...she's an instant nature princess. (I can attest to this. Even as I took the photo above, I had gold paint all over my hands...yet I definitely felt glam.)

So let's get down to the nitty gritty. Here's how I made this NATURAL GOLD HALO HAIRPIECE, and how you can make one too.

1. Take a trip to Hobby Lobby & Lowes.

You'll need:

  • 2 bunches of green artificial leaves (I picked two varieties for different shaped/sized leaves.)

  • 26 gauge wire (Found in the jewelry making area, and doesn't need to be fancy.)

  • 1 headband

  • 1 can gold metallic spray paint (This is the only item from Lowes.)

2. Take out a few leaf stems from each bunch to prepare for paint.

(I painted 5-6 stems of leaves of each type, but in actuality, you really only need about 2-3 of each maximum.)

3. Paint the headband and stems on all sides with the gold spray paint.

I needed to let the paint dry at least a minute with each time I painted. The drying time will vary depending on how humid and hot it is where you're painting.

4. Wire one of the longest stems to one open end of the headband.

Using the wire, tightly wrap the end of the stem to the headband. Leave about 3/4" from the edge of the headband before you start so that the leaves and wire don't irritate your head and ears when wearing it. Don't worry about the color or look of the wire. Just try to keep the wire wrapping as close together as possible. When you touch up with the gold paint at the end, the wire won't be noticeable.

5. Twist the stem around the headband once.

This creates a more natural effect when wearing the headband. Doing this makes the leaves lay in a more natural way, rather than looking too even on the head.

6. Add one of the smaller stems at the point where the first stem twists around the headband.

Wire tightly both the twisted first stem, and end of the second stem to the headband in this spot. This smaller stem will not be twisted around the headband. It will just be wired on top.

7. Tightly wire both stems one more time towards the top of the headband.

Choose a spot where both stems meet towards the top of the headband. Be sure to leave at LEAST an inch of the stems free at the ends. This creates a more natural look. As you'll see below, I left about 3 inches.

8. Congrats! You're halfway done! Now just repeat the same process on the other side.

9. After you've completed the other side, use pliers to tightly secure all the wire wrapping together, and tuck under any wire ends.

10. Touch up with gold spray paint.

To make the wire wrapping unnoticeable, touch it up with the gold spray paint. This is also the time to touch up any remaining green peaking through on any of the leaves.

There you have it! Enjoy your very own Natural Gold Halo Hairpiece.

Here's how mine turned out. I'd love to see yours!

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